St Joseph's - Roman Catholic Parish - Port Talbot

The Presbytery, Water Street, Port Talbot, SA12 6LE, Wales
Tel. 01639 882846
Diocese of Menevia
Parish Priest: Monsignor J Cefai, MA, PhD


First Sunday of Advent — 1st December 2024

Divine Mercy


Newman Reader

Sacred Space
The Catholic Lectionary
Times of Service

Mass Times and Intentions

This weekend
Saturday Vigil Mass at 5.00pm Cwmavon (Parish), Vigil Mass at St. Joseph’s at 6.00pm (Jim Monahan)
Sunday: 8.30am (Dominic Welsh), 10.00am (Dennis Taylor)
Monday: 10.00am Private Intention
Tuesday: 10.00am (Denis O’Sullivan)
Wednesday: 9.30am Mass for schools (Eileen & Bill Hopkins)
Next weekend
Saturday Vigil Mass at 5.00pm Cwmavon (Parish), 6.00pm (Joe Stanton)
Sunday: 8.30am (Bernard Ryan), 10.00am (Rosario Alva)

NB. Due to work on the Church Electricity and the Organ, some daily Masses had to be cancelled.

Please keep in your prayers:
Jim Monahan; Dominic Welsh; Dennis Taylor; Denis O’Sullivan; Joe Stanton; and those who died recently: Rosario Alva; Patrricia Burder (Kelliher) Funeral 11th. December at 9.30am. RIP


Saturday 11.00am and on request or after the Masses.
Stalls in the Hall:
Next Sunday 8th. December after Mass.
New Sunday Missals
are now on sale from the Piety Shop.
Useful Apps: 
Hallow—A prayer app for your mobile devices that offers reflections, quizzes, meditations, sleep assistance, daily rosary, daily gospel readings etc. Visit  Pray as you go—An online resource recommended by the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales offering prayers, meditations, music and blogs to help deepen your daily spiritual life. Visit
Advent Retreat for Young People:
Sign up for the Cardiff-Menevia "Catholic Youth Advent Retreat" aged 12-19.  It will be held at St David's College in Cardiff on Saturday 14th December. To register:
St Joseph’s Comprehensive School Senior Citizens Christmas Party
on Wednesday 18th December from 2pm - 4pm. If you would like to join, please call 01639 884305.
Forthcoming Events:
Stalls in the Hall next Sunday after 10.00am Mass.
Confessions for the Junior School 10th. December.
Funeral of Patricia Burder (Kelliher) 11th. December at 9.30am.
Parish Carol Service Wednesday 18th at 1.30pm.