St Joseph's - Roman Catholic Parish - Port Talbot

The Presbytery, Water Street, Port Talbot, SA12 6LE, Wales
Tel. 01639 882846
Diocese of Menevia
Parish Priest: Monsignor J Cefai, MA, PhD


15th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2024 — 7 July 2024

Divine Mercy


Newman Reader

Sacred Space
The Catholic Lectionary
Times of Service

Mass Times and Intentions

Saturday Vigil Mass at 5.00pm Cwmavon (Billy Humphries), 6.00pm (Private Int)
Sunday: 8.30am (Parish), 10.00am (Deceased Clergy)

Tuesday: 9.30am for Infants School Leavers (Kathleen Harrington)
Wednesday: 9.30am for Juniors School Leavers (Private Intention), 6.00pm Meeting for Confirmation candidates, their parents and sponsors (Final preparations and Confessions)
Friday: 11.30am (Comprehensive School), 6.30pm CONFIRMATION Mass Int (Ces Winters)
Next weekend
Saturday Vigil Mass at 5.00pm Cwmavon (Deceased Clergy), 6.00pm (Irene & Terry Donovan)
Sunday: 8.30am (Hugh Murphy -London), 10.00am (Parish)

Anniversaries: Kathleen Harrington (Birthday); Ces Winters (Birthday); Terry & Irene Donovan.


Sea Sunday:
today we think of the great healing work of Stella Maris, the apostolate to seafarers. There will be a second collection at all Masses.

Confirmation Mass
next Friday at 6.30pm. Please keep the date free and join us.
Special Masses this week:
Tuesday: for the Infants School leavers. Wednesday for the Juniors School leavers; Friday morning for the Comprehensive School (in School). Friday 6.30PM CONFIRMNATION.

Beach Walk
next Monday July 15th. at 1:30 pm. Why not come along to Café Memo’s down the beach for a coffee, chat and a walk. Anyone who cannot walk far can stay by the café while the others walk along the prom, and then everyone can meet for a chat.
Diocesan Pilgrimage
to Shrine of St. David and St. Non’s Saturday 7th. September at 12 noon. Please see poster.
at St. Mary’s college, Oscott, Birmingham, on Saturday 14th September, for a day of renewing and deepening devotion to the Eucharist. If interested to attend, please see the Poster and contact the Parish Priest.
22ND – 26TH JULY 2024 Pilgrimage information: or
Those who need DBS please contact Hannah Murtagh, email
Food for Thought:
When a shoe doesn't fit you must change the shoe not the foot. A man asked an artist: How do you make such beautiful things from stone? He replied: beauty is already there. I just remove the extra stone. Your happinesses already hidden inside you. Just remove your worries.