St Joseph's - Roman Catholic Parish - Port Talbot

The Presbytery, Water Street, Port Talbot, SA12 6LE, Wales
Tel. 01639 882846
Diocese of Menevia
Parish Priest: Monsignor J Cefai, MA, PhD


31st Sunday in Ordinary Time — 3rd November 2024

Divine Mercy


Newman Reader

Sacred Space
The Catholic Lectionary
Times of Service

Mass Times and Intentions

This weekend
Saturday (Feast of All Souls)
Mass 11.00am (All Souls) followed by visiting our Cemetery
Saturday Vigil Mass at 5.00pm Cwmavon (Parish); 6.00pm (NADL)
Sunday 8.30am (NADL), 10.00am (Sr Rita- Birthday), Baptism 11.30am
Monday: 11.00am (NADL), Reception of body at 5.00pm
Tuesday: 9.30am Requiem Mass (Claire David)
Wednesday: 9.30am (NADL) followed by Coffee Morning in the Hall
Thursday: 10.00am (NADL)

Next weekend
Saturday Vigil Mass at 5.00pm Cwmavon (Private Int), 6.00pm (NADL)
Sunday: 8.30am (NADL), 10.00am (Parish) Remembrance Sunday: Special Celebration
Please keep in your prayers:
Anniversaries: Stephen Galsworthy
Recently dead: Claire David; Rev. Paul Bigmore (Funeral service in our Church, date to be announced); Ann Walton (Funeral date to be arranged). Padraig O’Connor, Margaret Elizabeth Gammond.  May they rest in peace.


First Holy Communion:
will parents who have children for first Holy Communion please enrol them in the programme as soon as possible.
Saturday 11.00am and on request before or after the Masses.
Christmas Meal, Parish Evening:
Wednesday 4th. December There will be a Raffle. We hope many will join us.
in the Hall after the 10.00am Mass. All welcome.
November Altar Dead List:
you may now submit the list of your deceased loved ones to be included during the month of November.
You are all invited to a special Mass for all the bereaved:
Tuesday November 12th.  at 6:30 pm. There will be refreshment in the Hall. Please invite your friends too.
Piety Shop:
Christmas Stock has now arrived: Christmas Cards, Diaries, Calendars, Cribs, Christmas candles and many other items.